Rubicon Drilling Services is the new leader in geotechnical drilling projects and we have equipment to provide the best service possible.

We understand the different soil structures in the DFW and surrounding areas and the correct sampling methods for each geological formation. This experience is a service to clients who need to make a quick and decisive decision on soil sampling protocol and monitor well installation procedures.

Drilling Capabilities
• Hollow-Stem Augering
     • 4¼” ID, 6¼” ID
• Rock Coring
     • 2” Conventional
     • 2” NQ Wire Lin
• Air/Mud Rotary Drilling
• Flight Augers (5")
• Shelby Tube Sampling (3”)
• Split Spoon Sampling (2")
• CME - Continuous Samplers
• Equipment Decontamination
• Monitoring Well Installation
• Well Abandonment
• Well Development
• Well Rehabilitation
• Inclinometer Installation
• Piezometer Installation
• Recovery Well Installation